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- Description:
- The dynamic properties of freestanding rock landforms are a function of fundamental material and mechanical parameters, facilitating non-invasive vibration-based structural assessment. Characterization of resonant frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios, however, can be challenging at culturally-sensitive geologic features, such as rock arches, where physical access is limited. Using sparse ambient vibration measurements, we describe three resonant modes between 1 and 40 Hz for 17 natural arches in Utah spanning a range of lengths from 3 – 88 m. Modal polarization data are evaluated to combine field observations with 3-D numerical models. We find outcrop-scale elastic moduli vary from 0.8 to 8.0 GPa, correlated with diagenetic processes, and identify low damping at all sites. Dense-array cross-correlation results from an additional arch validate predictions of simple bending modes and fixed boundary conditions. Our results establish use of sparse ambient resonance measurements for structural assessment and monitoring of arches and similar freestanding geologic features.
- Subject:
- geological engineering
- Creator:
- Finnegan, Riley, Moore, Jeffrey R, and Geimer, Paul R
- Owner:
- Paul Geimer
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 01/13/2020
- Date Modified:
- 12/09/2021
- Date Created:
- 2015-2019
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Creator:
- Chen, Jiahui , Breen, Joe, Van der Merwe, Jacobus, and Phillips, Jeff M.
- Owner:
- Jiahui Chen
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/04/2020
- Date Modified:
- 09/04/2020
- Description:
- This dataset contains GIS map data and monitoring datasets collected between 2018 and 2022 at the Courthouse Mesa rock slope instability near Moab, Utah. Map data consist of an orthophoto, a polyline shapefile delineating mapped surficial cracks, and a point shapefile showing the locations of crack width monitoring points (M1–M5) and a vibrating wire crackmeter. Monitoring data include four years of continuous crack aperture measurements from the crackmeter, periodic crack width measurements from M1–M5, and three sets of air temperature measurements recorded between 2018 and 2022. Air temperatures were measured at the surface and inside the crack at several depths throughout the monitoring period.
- Subject:
- slope stability, engineering geology, geomorphology, and landslides
- Creator:
- Moore, Jeffrey R., Jensen, Erin K., Finnegan, Riley, and Geimer, Paul R.
- Owner:
- Erin Jensen
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Moab, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 07/19/2023
- Date Modified:
- 10/27/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-01-01 to 2022-12-31
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset contains code used to generate and the results of 2D numerical modeling simulations of ambient resonance in damaged rock slopes. All simulations were performed using the Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) version 7.0. We simulated progressive damage for three different landslide types: slab toppling, flexural toppling, and planar sliding. For each scenario we simulated several stages of progressive rock slope damage. Subsequently, we recorded the resonance response of the rock slope at each stage by measuring x-direction velocity at one or more measuring points throughout the model.
- Subject:
- landslides, mathematical modeling, slope stability, and engineering geology
- Creator:
- Moore, Jeffrey R. and Jensen, Erin K.
- Owner:
- Jeff Moore
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 10/18/2023
- Date Modified:
- 10/28/2023
- Date Created:
- 2023-01-01 to 2023-10-18
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The objective of using the wireless sensors was to improve understanding of the heterogeneity of healthcare worker (HCW) contact with patients and the physical environment in patients’ rooms. The framework and design were based on contact networks with a) nodes defined by HCW’s, rooms, and items in the room and b) edges defined by HCW’s in the room, near the bed, and touching items. Nodes had characteristics of HCW role and room number. Edges had characteristics of day, start time, and duration. Thus, patterns and heterogeneity could be understood within contexts of time, space, roles, and patient characteristics. At the University of Utah Hospital Cardiovascular ICU (CVICU), a 20-bed unit, we collected data for 54 days. HCW contact with patients was measured using wireless sensors to capture time spent in patient rooms as well as time spent near the patient bed. HCW contact with the physical environment was measured using wireless sensors on the following items in patient rooms: door, sink, toilet, over-bed table, keyboard, vital signs monitor touchscreen, and cart. HCW’s clipped a sensor to their clothing or lanyard.
- Keyword:
- wireless sensors and patient contact
- Subject:
- cardiology
- Creator:
- Rubin, Michael, Haroldsen, Candace, and Leecaster, Molly
- Owner:
- Michael Rubin
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 05/23/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/28/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-03-01 to 2018-04-28
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
Dataset for: Anatomical Variations of the Cardiac Conduction System in Healthy Neonatal Human Hearts
- Description:
- See README file for further description.
- Keyword:
- congenital heart surgery and computer vision
- Subject:
- Heart Defects, Congenital and Thoracic Surgery
- Creator:
- Cottle, Brian, Hitchcock, Robert, and Sachse, Frank
- Depositor:
- Madison Golden
- Owner:
- Brian Cottle
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/01/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/29/2023
- Date Created:
- 2021-04-01 to 2023-08-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The purpose of this derived dataset was to analyze menstrual cycle lengths in relation to lunar calendar. This datafile of start and end date of 3324 menstrual cycles of 581 women is part of a combined dataset of three cohorts of heterosexually active women who received instruction in the Creighton Model FertilityCare System (CrM) through centres across the United States and Canada. The CrM has standardised protocols for teaching women how to observe, record, and interpret daily vaginal discharge from bleeding and cervical fluid on a daily diary, called a CrM chart, and to use these standardised observations to identify the estimated time of ovulation and days when intercourse is likely to result in pregnancy. The cohorts included: "Creighton Model Effectiveness, Intentions, and Behaviours Assessment" (CEIBA) (2009–2013), a prospective cohort of women without known subfertility, aimed to evaluate and classify pregnancy rates and pregnancy intentions during use of the CrM; "Creighton Model MultiCenter Fecundability Study" (CMFS) (1990–1996), a retrospective cohort of presumably fertile and subfertile women using CrM, aimed to assess the relationship between vulvar mucus observations and the day and cycle-specific probabilities of conception; and "Time to Pregnancy in Normal Fertility" (TTP) (2003–2006), a parallel-randomised trial, which aimed to assess the impact of CrM use on time to pregnancy in couples of proven fertility trying to conceive. Each of the cohorts aimed to include heterosexually active couples with normal fecundity. Eligibility criteria were assessed by women's responses to the CrM general intake form and/or a screening questionnaire. Eligibility requirements in the original studies included women, age 18–40 years old (upper limit of 35 years for TTP), not pregnant at entry, having regular menstrual bleeding, and not breast feeding (CMFS and TTP), or if breast feeding, not doing so exclusively (CEIBA). Recent users of oral contraceptives had to have at least one menstrual bleed (CEIBA) or two menstrual bleeds (TTP) since stopping the oral contraceptives; however, for CMFS there was no restriction for time since discontinuing oral contraceptives. All studies also required normal menstrual patterns since last use of depo-medroxy-progesterone acetate or a hormonal intra-uterine device.
- Keyword:
- menstruation, menstrual cycle, fertility, and fecundity
- Subject:
- menstruation and reproductive health
- Creator:
- Stanford, Joseph and Najmabadi, Shahpar
- Contributor:
- Kruletz, Sebrena, Fryer, Julie, Lowe, Michael, Hansen, Jared, Chang, Esther, Wu, Charles, Musso, Iris, Crockett, Becky, Carruth, Kaitlin, Krakowiak, Daisy, Xu, Crystal, and Singh, Nirupma
- Owner:
- Joseph Stanford
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- University of Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 08/24/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/29/2023
- Date Created:
- 1990-01-01-2013-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted scientific research, teaching, and learning in higher education and forced many institutions to explore new modalities in response to the abrupt shift to remote learning. Accordingly, many colleges and universities struggled to provide the training, technology, and best practices to support faculty and students, especially those at historically disadvantaged and underrepresented institutions. In this study we investigate different remote learning modalities to improve and enhance research education training for faculty and students. We specifically focus on Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research (RECR) and Research Mentoring content to help address the newly established requirements of the National Science Foundation for investigators. To address this need we conducted a workshop to determine the effectiveness of three common research education modalities: Live Lecture, Podcast, and Reading. The Live Lecture sessions provided the most evidence of learning based on the comparison between pre- and post-test results, whereas the Podcast format was well received but produced a slight (and non-significant) decline in scores between the pre- and post-tests. The Reading format showed no significant improvement in learning. The results of our workshop illuminate the effectiveness and obstacles associated with various remote learning modalities, enabling us to pinpoint areas that require additional refinement and effort, including the addition of interactive media in Reading materials.
- Keyword:
- responsible conduct of research and learning modalities
- Subject:
- Undergraduates, Research--Moral and ethical aspects, and Education, Higher
- Creator:
- Frost, Caren, Hofman, Erin, and Morris, Jesse
- Owner:
- Jesse Morris
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 08/23/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/29/2023
- Date Created:
- 2022-09-14
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- See README for further description.
- Keyword:
- Qassimi Arabic stress, familiarity ratings, and phonological processes
- Subject:
- phonetics and Arabic language
- Creator:
- Alnuqaydan, Ahmed
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Saudi Arabia, , Saudi Arabia
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/05/2023
- Date Modified:
- 11/29/2023
- Date Created:
- 2021-06-15 to 2022-08-02
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Description:
- This dataset encompasses the results of a series of controlled experiments conducted at the University of Utah's Industrial Hygiene Research Laboratory between November 2021 and November 2022. It includes data from tests assessing aerosol containment and surface contamination using the U-COVER device. The dataset details the effectiveness of different device designs (D1A, D1B, D2) in containing salt aerosols under various conditions, including with and without exhaust ventilation. Measurements were conducted using GRIMM Model 1.109 Portable Aerosol Spectrometers and analyzed for particle size distributions and concentrations. The findings provide insights into the protective capabilities of the U-COVER device in medical settings, with implications for healthcare worker safety."
- Keyword:
- Aerosol Containment , U-COVER Device, Industrial Hygiene, Particle Measurement, Ventilation Effects, Healthcare Worker Safety, Air Quality Monitoring and Assessment, Laboratory Safety and Testing Methods, and Infection Control in Healthcare
- Subject:
- Environmental Monitoring, Infection Control , Respiratory Protective Devices, Aerosols, Occupational Health , and Environmental Health
- Creator:
- Fang, Runcheng, Andrus, Niles, Dominguez, Thomas, Sleeth, Darrah K., and Jones, Rachael M.
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah State University, Utah, United States
- Date Uploaded:
- 11/09/2023
- Date Modified:
- 12/04/2023
- Date Created:
- 2021-11-01 to 2022-11-30
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- We determined whether a large, multi-analyte panel of circulating biomarkers can improve detection of early-stage pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). We defined a biologically relevant subspace of blood analytes based on previous identification in premalignant lesions or early-stage PDAC and evaluated each in pilot studies. The 31 analytes that met minimum diagnostic accuracy were measured in serum of 837 subjects (461 healthy, 194 benign pancreatic disease, 182 early stage PDAC). We used machine learning to develop classification algorithms using the relationship between subjects based on their changes across the predictors. Model performance was subsequently evaluated in an independent validation data set from 186 additional subjects.
- Keyword:
- serum, pancreatic cancer, PDAC, ELISA, early stage, and bio marker
- Subject:
- medicine
- Creator:
- Firpo, Matthew A.
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 01/13/2023
- Date Modified:
- 12/04/2023
- Date Created:
- 2005-01-01-2019-01-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Description:
- This file contains experimental data from the Ph.D. thesis “Mechanisms Governing Ash Aerosol Formation and Deposition during Solid Fuel Combustion” at the University of Utah. The data include particle sizes, weights, and compositions of ash aerosols and deposits formed in the combustion of a range of fossil and biomass solid fuels under a wide range of conditions. Operation pressure, fuel composition and combustor scale are changed across these tests. These experimental data can provide information and inputs for further studies, such as modeling the ash deposition process, in the future. Research background: Concern about global warming has called for new combustion systems to be used in order to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power generation. Pressurized oxy-coal combustion coupled with carbon capture and storage as well as co-firing biomass with coal are gaining more interest in building new power plants and retrofitting existing plants. The combustion conditions of these systems could be significantly changed and thus affect the ash formation and deposition. The experimental work of this thesis consists of combustion tests at various scales and conditions, namely, on a 100 kWth rated oxy-fuel combustor (OFC), a 300 kWth rated entrained flow pressurized reactor (EFPR), a 1.5 MWth rated horizontal multifuel combustor (L1500) and a 500 MWe full-size utility boiler (Hunter). The solid fuels involved in these tests include pulverized coal, torrefied wood, blend fuels of the coal and wood, and coal with K/Cl/S additives. In each test, iso-kinetically sampled ash aerosols are analyzed in terms of particle size distributions and size-segregated compositions. Ash deposition rates are measured using a surface-temperature-controlled probe which simulates the deposition process on superheater tubes.
- Keyword:
- blended fuels, solid fuel combustion, ash aerosol, pulverized coal, ash deposit, coal-fired power generation, CO2 emissions, particulate matter emission, and torrefied wood
- Subject:
- Air Pollution and Chemical Engineering
- Creator:
- Li, Xiaolong
- Contributor:
- Brigham Young University Department of Chemical Engineering and University of Utah Industrial Combustion and Gasification Research Facility
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- University of Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/23/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/05/2023
- Date Created:
- 2017-04-01 to 2021-10-30
- License:
- CC BY – Allows others to use and share your data, even commercially, with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- Datasets and code related to paper published in the journal Earth System Dynamics by Garrett, Grasselli, and Keen
- Keyword:
- climate, economics, and energy
- Subject:
- Economics
- Creator:
- Garrett, Timothy J. , Keen, Steven, and Grasselli, Matheus
- Owner:
- Date Uploaded:
- 06/08/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/05/2023
- Date Created:
- 2020-0215 to 20210430
- License:
- CC BY – Allows others to use and share your data, even commercially, with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Description:
- This dataset contains the materials necessary to reproduce the study submitted to Remote Sensing: "Tradeoffs Between UAS Spatial Resolution and Accuracy for Deep Learning Semantic Segmentation Applied to Wetland Vegetation Species Mapping". This includes the raw imagery output from the camera aboard the unoccupied aerial vehicle, the Red-Edge MX, captured over the Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area, Utah, in August of 2020, resampled images, code to resample the images, a link to ground reference data, and the training and testing data used for the convolutional neural network in the study.
- Keyword:
- invasive species, wetlands, phragmites australis, Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area, multispectral imagery, remote sensing, and uncrewed aerial systems
- Subject:
- geography
- Creator:
- Saltiel, Troy M., Campbell, Michael J., Thompson, Thomas R., Hambrecht, Keith R., and Dennison, Philip E.
- Contributor:
- Christian Hardwick (Utah Geological Survey)
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Howard Slough Waterfowl Management Area, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/21/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/05/2023
- Date Created:
- 2020-08-11
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset accompanies the research article entitled, "Ground Motion Amplification at Natural Rock Arches in the Colorado Plateau ," where we analyzed 13 sandstone arches in Utah, computing site-to-reference spectral amplitude ratios from continuous ambient seismic data and comparing these to spectral ratios during earthquakes and teleseismic activity. Included in this dataset are the arch vibration data.
- Keyword:
- earthquakes, geology, rock arches, spectral amplification , environmental seismology, and Utah
- Subject:
- seismology and geology
- Creator:
- Bessette-Kirton, Erin K., Finnegan, Riley, Dzubay, Alex, Moore, Jeffrey R., and Geimer, Paul R.
- Owner:
- Riley Finnegan
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/07/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/06/2023
- Date Created:
- 2015–01-01 to 2021-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Description:
- We discuss a new set of ~ 500 numerical n-body calculations designed to constrain the masses and bulk densities of Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra. Comparisons of different techniques for deriving the semimajor axis and eccentricity of the four satellites favor methods relying on the theory of Lee & Peale (2006), where satellite orbits are derived in the context of the restricted three body problem (Pluto, Charon, and one massless satellite). In each simulation, we adopt the nominal satellite masses derived in Kenyon & Bromley (2019b), multiply the mass of at least one satellite by a numerical factor f >= 1, and establish whether the system ejects at least one satellite on a time scale <= 4.5~Gyr. When the total system mass is large (f >> 1), ejections of Kerberos are more common. Systems with lower satellite masses (f ~ 1) usually eject Styx. In these calculations, Styx often signals an ejection by moving to higher orbital inclination long before ejection; Kerberos rarely signals in a useful way. The n-body results suggest that Styx and Kerberos are more likely to have bulk densities comparable with water ice, rho_SK <= 2 g/cm^3, than with rock. A strong upper limit on the total system mass, M_SNKH <= 9.5 x 10^19 g, also places robust constraints on the average bulk density of the four satellites, rho_SNKH <= 1.4 g/cm^3. These limits support models where the satellites grow out of icy material ejected during a major impact on Pluto or Charon.
- Keyword:
- Nix, dynamic evolution, satellites , Hydra, Styx, Charon, model, Pluto, planets, and Kerberos
- Subject:
- Astrophysics
- Creator:
- Kenyon, Scott and Bromley, Benjamin
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- United States, , United States
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/01/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/06/2023
- Date Created:
- 2019-05-15 to 2022-03-25
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset includes a 3-D model of the Courthouse Mesa toppling rock slab instability in Utah. These data were used in conjunction with ambient seismic array data to conduct modal analyses and improve the structural characterization of the rock slope instability. Data include a 3-D model of the rock slope instability (.stl) and a COMSOL Multiphysics project file showing the boundary conditions and solutions of the best model run (.mph). This dataset accompanies the research article entitled "Rock slope instability structural characterization using array-based modal analysis."
- Keyword:
- numerical model analysis, finite element model, rock slope instability, and structural characterization
- Subject:
- seismology, geology, and engineering geologists
- Creator:
- Finnegan, Riley, Geimer, Paul R. , Häusler, Mauro, Dzubay, Alex, Bessette-Kirton, Erin K., and Moore, Jeffrey R.
- Owner:
- Erin Jensen
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Moab, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/13/2021
- Date Modified:
- 12/06/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-01-01 to 2021-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- This dataset accompanies the research article entitled, "Ambient vibration modal analysis of natural rock towers and fins," where we investigate the ambient vibrations of 14 rock rowers and perform modal analysis on 3D models of the landforms. Included are the vibration data and 3D models.
- Keyword:
- modal analysis, geology, Utah, photogrammetry, sandstone, conglomerate, resonance, environmental seismology, and rock towers
- Subject:
- geology and seismology
- Creator:
- Bodtker, Jackson, Bessette-Kirton, Erin K., Dzubay, Alex, Vollinger, Kathryn, Geimer, Paul R., Moore, Jeffrey R., and Finnegan, Riley
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/17/2021
- Date Modified:
- 12/07/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-01-01 to 2021-09-17
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:
- Description:
- The objective of this study was to determine the influence of face shields on the concentration of respirable aerosols in the breathing zone of the wearer. The experimental approach involved the generation of poly-dispersed respirable test dust aerosol in a low-speed wind tunnel over 15 minutes, with a downstream breathing mannequin. Aerosol concentrations were measured in the breathing zone of the mannequin and at an upstream location using two laser spectrophotometers that measured particle number concentration over the range 0.25-31 µm. Three face shield designs were tested (A, B and C), and were positioned on the mannequin operated at a high and low breathing rate. Efficiency – the reduction in aerosol concentration in the breathing zone – was calculated as a function of particle size and overall, for each face shield. Face shield A, a bucket hat with flexible shield, had the highest efficiency, approximately 95%, while more traditional face shield designs had efficiency 53-78%, depending on face shield and breathing rate. Efficiency varied by particle size, but the pattern differed among face shield designs. Face shields decreased the concentration of respirable aerosols in the breathing zone, when aerosols were carried perpendicular to the face. Additional research is needed to understand the impact of face shield position relative to the source.
- Keyword:
- wind tunnel, aerosols, face shield, breathing zone, breathing rate, mannequin, infection prevention, and particle size
- Subject:
- Medicine
- Creator:
- Sleeth, Darrah K., Jones, Rachael M., and Woodfield, Marion J.
- Owner:
- Rachael Jones
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Salt Lake City, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/03/2021
- Date Modified:
- 12/08/2023
- Date Created:
- 2020-08-13 to 2020-11-10
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset