About The Hive
The world is now sharing the data resulting from research in all disciplines. Sharing data facilitates research beyond the scope of the original, avoids duplication of data collection and provides rich resources for education purposes. In the USA federal granting agencies and foundations are requiring data resulting from projects they fund be shared to facilitate continued research reusing the data. Journal editors are now requesting a link to the data underlying the manuscript submitted for peer review and publication. There are over 1200 subject-based data repositories available to researchers for submission of their data. Universities across the USA have been developing institutional data repositories to accommodate the data not appropriate for existing subject-based repository. The Hive is the University of Utah's research data repository provided by both the J. Willard Marriott Library and Eccles Health Sciences Library. It designed to broadly disseminate the intellectual contributions in research and creativity produced by the University's faculty, staff and students to ensure its longevity. Here you will find information on preparing, uploading and depositing your datasets and the corresponding documentation.
Generally speaking, submission of datasets to The Hive is free - except for your time in ensuring the data is in an appropriate format, filling in the Hive Deposit Intake Form and submitting metadata. Our data librarians and IT professionals will work with you to ensure that your data is preserved and accessible well into the future.
Requirements for Depositing Data into The Hive
- Data must be created by University of Utah students, faculty, or staff. If your data was created by investigators at multiple institutions, the University of Utah affiliated researcher must facilitate the deposit and sign the deposit agreement.
- Data must be made publicly available no later than one year after deposit. Depositors can choose to make their data immediately available or to embargo their data for up to one year.
- The data must not contain any private, confidential or sensitive information.
- The data must include adequate documentation to facilitate reuse and discovery.
For more information about depositing data to The Hive, please visit our Help page!
Instructions for Submitting to The Hive
- The creator of the data should contact a research data librarian at mlib-data@lists.utah.edu to determine if The Hive is the best place to store and share your data. Also, check out Repositories for Research Data to learn about the available subject-based repositories.
- Prepare your data, scripts, and documentation for archiving.
- The creator of the data must create an account at hive.utah.edu using their University of Utah UNID and email.
- Please complete this README intake form before starting the submission process so that someone from our staff can generate a README file on your behalf. You will have the opportunity to review and approve the README before it is added to your deposit.
- At The Hive website open the Share Your Dataset link to fill in Descriptions (metadata) and upload your data, script and documentation. If your data is greater than 5GB, then use UBox to transfer the data to us at mlib-data@lists.utah.edu and we will upload it for you.
- Go to the navigation on the right and determine the Visibility of your dataset and read the Deposit Agreement. By clicking Save, you agree to the Deposit Agreement.
- A staff member from The Hive will then view your submission for completeness, contact you with any issues and once all is complete issue a DOI. This DOI plus the citation for the published data is what journal editors are requesting.
The Citation
Author(s) (Date data was deposited to The Hive) Title of dataset. The Hive: University of Utah Research Data Repository. Version. DOI
Submitting by proxy:
If designating someone else to submit the data, then both the creator and the submitter must create an account using their University of Utah UNID and email.
- The creator then must go to Your Activity, select Manage Proxies and search for the designee under Proxy User.
- The submitter can then open the Share Your Dataset link at The Hive website and find the On Behalf Of link in the right navigation bar and select the creator.
- Now the submitter can follow the instructions above.