This dataset contains GIS map data and monitoring datasets collected between 2018 and 2022 at the Courthouse Mesa rock slope instability near Moab, Utah. Map data consist of an orthophoto, a polyline shapefile delineating mapped surficial cracks, and a point shapefile showing the locations of crack width monitoring points (M1–M5) and a vibrating wire crackmeter. Monitoring data include four years of continuous crack aperture measurements from the crackmeter, periodic crack width measurements from M1–M5, and three sets of air temperature measurements recorded between 2018 and 2022. Air temperatures were measured at the surface and inside the crack at several depths throughout the monitoring period.
This dataset contains code used to generate and the results of 2D numerical modeling simulations of ambient resonance in damaged rock slopes. All simulations were performed using the Universal Distinct Element Code (UDEC) version 7.0. We simulated progressive damage for three different landslide types: slab toppling, flexural toppling, and planar sliding. For each scenario we simulated several stages of progressive rock slope damage. Subsequently, we recorded the resonance response of the rock slope at each stage by measuring x-direction velocity at one or more measuring points throughout the model.