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Finnegan, Riley
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- Description:
- The dynamic properties of freestanding rock landforms are a function of fundamental material and mechanical parameters, facilitating non-invasive vibration-based structural assessment. Characterization of resonant frequencies, mode shapes, and damping ratios, however, can be challenging at culturally-sensitive geologic features, such as rock arches, where physical access is limited. Using sparse ambient vibration measurements, we describe three resonant modes between 1 and 40 Hz for 17 natural arches in Utah spanning a range of lengths from 3 – 88 m. Modal polarization data are evaluated to combine field observations with 3-D numerical models. We find outcrop-scale elastic moduli vary from 0.8 to 8.0 GPa, correlated with diagenetic processes, and identify low damping at all sites. Dense-array cross-correlation results from an additional arch validate predictions of simple bending modes and fixed boundary conditions. Our results establish use of sparse ambient resonance measurements for structural assessment and monitoring of arches and similar freestanding geologic features.
- Subject:
- geological engineering
- Creator:
- Finnegan, Riley, Moore, Jeffrey R, and Geimer, Paul R
- Owner:
- Paul Geimer
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 01/13/2020
- Date Modified:
- 12/09/2021
- Date Created:
- 2015-2019
- Resource Type:
- Dataset

- Description:
- This dataset contains GIS map data and monitoring datasets collected between 2018 and 2022 at the Courthouse Mesa rock slope instability near Moab, Utah. Map data consist of an orthophoto, a polyline shapefile delineating mapped surficial cracks, and a point shapefile showing the locations of crack width monitoring points (M1–M5) and a vibrating wire crackmeter. Monitoring data include four years of continuous crack aperture measurements from the crackmeter, periodic crack width measurements from M1–M5, and three sets of air temperature measurements recorded between 2018 and 2022. Air temperatures were measured at the surface and inside the crack at several depths throughout the monitoring period.
- Subject:
- slope stability, engineering geology, geomorphology, and landslides
- Creator:
- Moore, Jeffrey R., Jensen, Erin K., Finnegan, Riley, and Geimer, Paul R.
- Owner:
- Erin Jensen
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Moab, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 07/19/2023
- Date Modified:
- 10/27/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-01-01 to 2022-12-31
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:

- Description:
- This dataset accompanies the research article entitled, "Ground Motion Amplification at Natural Rock Arches in the Colorado Plateau ," where we analyzed 13 sandstone arches in Utah, computing site-to-reference spectral amplitude ratios from continuous ambient seismic data and comparing these to spectral ratios during earthquakes and teleseismic activity. Included in this dataset are the arch vibration data.
- Keyword:
- earthquakes, geology, rock arches, spectral amplification , environmental seismology, and Utah
- Subject:
- seismology and geology
- Creator:
- Bessette-Kirton, Erin K., Finnegan, Riley, Dzubay, Alex, Moore, Jeffrey R., and Geimer, Paul R.
- Owner:
- Riley Finnegan
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/07/2022
- Date Modified:
- 12/06/2023
- Date Created:
- 2015–01-01 to 2021-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset

- Description:
- This dataset includes a 3-D model of the Courthouse Mesa toppling rock slab instability in Utah. These data were used in conjunction with ambient seismic array data to conduct modal analyses and improve the structural characterization of the rock slope instability. Data include a 3-D model of the rock slope instability (.stl) and a COMSOL Multiphysics project file showing the boundary conditions and solutions of the best model run (.mph). This dataset accompanies the research article entitled "Rock slope instability structural characterization using array-based modal analysis."
- Keyword:
- numerical model analysis, finite element model, rock slope instability, and structural characterization
- Subject:
- seismology, geology, and engineering geologists
- Creator:
- Finnegan, Riley, Geimer, Paul R. , Häusler, Mauro, Dzubay, Alex, Bessette-Kirton, Erin K., and Moore, Jeffrey R.
- Owner:
- Erin Jensen
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Moab, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 12/13/2021
- Date Modified:
- 12/06/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-01-01 to 2021-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:

- Description:
- This dataset accompanies the research article entitled, "Ambient vibration modal analysis of natural rock towers and fins," where we investigate the ambient vibrations of 14 rock rowers and perform modal analysis on 3D models of the landforms. Included are the vibration data and 3D models.
- Keyword:
- modal analysis, geology, Utah, photogrammetry, sandstone, conglomerate, resonance, environmental seismology, and rock towers
- Subject:
- geology and seismology
- Creator:
- Bodtker, Jackson, Bessette-Kirton, Erin K., Dzubay, Alex, Vollinger, Kathryn, Geimer, Paul R., Moore, Jeffrey R., and Finnegan, Riley
- Owner:
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 09/17/2021
- Date Modified:
- 12/07/2023
- Date Created:
- 2018-01-01 to 2021-09-17
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier:

- Description:
- This dataset accompanies the research article entitled, "Vibration of Natural Rock Arches and Towers Excited by Helicopter-Sourced Infrasound," where we investigate the vibration response of seven landforms to helicopter-sourced infrasound during controlled flight. Included are time-series vibration data of the landforms and nearby ground during and before helicopter flight, time-series infrasound data, 3D photogrammetry models of the studied landforms, and GPS data from the helicopter.
- Keyword:
- human environmental impacts, natural arches, helicopters, vibration response, natural towers, and rock landforms
- Subject:
- Geology, Environmental Seismology, and Geophysics
- Creator:
- Finnegan, Riley, Moore, Jeffrey R., and Geimer, Paul R.
- Owner:
- Riley Finnegan
- Based Near Label Tesim:
- Utah, Utah, United States
- Language:
- English
- Date Uploaded:
- 04/20/2021
- Date Modified:
- 04/16/2024
- Date Created:
- 2017-01-01 to 2019-12-31
- License:
- CC BY NC - Allows others to use and share your data non-commercially and with attribution.
- Resource Type:
- Dataset
- Identifier: