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Electron Density vs. Altitude Data, January 2020
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Whole-cell, In Vivo, Recording Data for Interval Counting Neurons in the Inferior Colliculus of R. pipiens
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Intraoperative Characterization of Cardiac Tissue: The Potential of Light Scattering Spectroscopy
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Dataset for: Three-stage Conversion from Chemically Inert N-heptane to α-Hydrazino Aldehyde based on Bioelectrocatalytic C-H Bond Oxyfunctionalization
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Dataset for: Performance Evaluation of the Alphasense OPC-N3 and Plantower PMS5003 Sensor in Measuring Dust Events in the Salt Lake Valley, Utah
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Dataset for: Panther Tongue - Outcrop Analog - Metric Database
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Dataset for: Natural Marine Cloud Brightening in the Southern Ocean
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Dataset for: Electric Field Obtained from FDTD Simulations at Different Resolutions During Space Weather Hazards
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Human and Ovine Vitreoretinal Adhesion
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Data for : Role of Free Radical Formation in Murine Cytomegalovirus–Induced Hearing Loss
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Data for: Restitution Characteristics of His Bundle and Working Myocardium in Isolated Rabbit Hearts
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Pharmacokinetics of Locally Delivered Vancomycin to Bone
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Kennecott Miner Records, 1900–1919
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Admission Discharge Transfer (ADT) Room Occupancy Data from the University of Utah and Veterans Affairs from the CDC-funded Granular Modeling Project
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Cleaned Ping-level Wireless Sensor Data from the University of Utah from the CDC-funded Granular Modeling Project
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Raw Microbiology Data from the University of Utah from the CDC-funded Granular Modeling Project
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Rare Earth Element Data for Cretaceous Aged Coal-Bearing Rocks in Utah and Western Colorado
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Rare Earth Element Data for Coal-Bearing Rocks in Utah and Western Colorado's Blackhawk Formation and Mesaverde Group
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Dataset for: Etiology-Specific Remodeling in Ventricular Tissue of Heart Failure Patients and its Implications for Computational Modeling of Electrical Conduction
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Dataset for: Influence of face shields on exposures to respirable aerosol
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Data and code for: Firpo et al., A multi-analyte serum biomarker panel for early detection of pancreatic adenocarcinoma
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Modalities for Teaching Responsible and Ethical Conduct of Research Online: Data from an Undergraduate Workshop in Utah
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Dataset for: Anatomical Variations of the Cardiac Conduction System in Healthy Neonatal Human Hearts
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Raw Wireless Sensor Data from the University of Utah from the CDC-funded Granular Modeling Project
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Data for: Prediction of Atypical Left Atrial Flutter
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Spectral data for: Towards Intraoperative Quantification of Atrial Fibrosis Using Light-Scattering Spectroscopy and Convolutional Neural Networks
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Data from ‘Optimising tip diameter in phacoemulsification of varying lens sizes: an in vitro study’
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