Please be advised, this fileset is large and may take significant time to download and space on your machine. Because of the size of this dataset, in order to prevent potential download problems, we have split the data file into multiple parts. There are 8 files in total that are needed to extract the data: * -- ~50G * -- ~50G * -- ~50G * -- ~50G * -- ~50G * -- ~50G * -- ~50G * -- ~11G Please make sure that you're downloading this data using a fast and stable connection on a machine with >722G of free hard drive space (361G for the file parts after inflation and 361G of space to recombine the data). In order to access the data, please download all bigDB.tar.gz.parta* zip files into a directory and unzip each file. The unziped files should be in the following format: bigDB.tar.gz.partaa - bigDB.tar.gz.partah Recombine them with a Mac, Linux, or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) terminal using the following command: cat bigDB.tar.gz.parta* > bigDB.tar.gz Optionally, to verify data integrity, download and decompress `bigDB.md5s.tar.gz` to extract the following: * `` -- Can be used to verify `bigDB.tar.gz.parta*` * `bigDB.tar.gz.md5` -- Can be used to verify final file after combining * `bigDB.tar.gz.all.md5` -- Can be used to verify both of the above To verify files' MD5 checksum, ensure that both the downloaded files and `.md5` file are in the same folder, and test integrity using: `md5sum -c `bigDB.tar.gz.md5`